Ледокол и человек. Репортер «Вечерней Москвы» Эмилий Миндлин спасал полярную экспедицию

13 января  — День российской печати. Накануне праздника мы рассказываем о истории «Вечерней Москвы». Напомним, 6 декабря главная городская газета отмечает юбилей, ей исполнится 95 лет. Материал посвящен знаменитому репортеру 1920-х годов Эмилию Миндлину (1900–1981), участнику арктической экспедиции на ледоколе «Красин» (1928). В тексте публикуются уникальные документы, обнаруженные нами в государственных и частных архивах.

У продавщицы брови взлетели вверх. Она повидала в ГУМе немало. Но этот очкарик удивил даже ее. Он растолкал покупателей и так навалился на прилавок, что тот затрещал, будто льдина.

— Мне нужны свитера, шарфы, шерстяные чулки — сколько есть! — выпалил он, утирая пот. — Срочно! И еще штаны, штаны на вате!

Под стеклом на прилавке лежали новые модели купальников. На дворе был июнь 1928 года. Но корреспондент «Вечерки» Эмилий Миндлин собирался в Арктику — туда, где за 11 дней до этого потерпел катастрофу дирижабль «Италия» полярного исследователя Умберто Нобиле. Его включили в состав поисковой экспедиции. На сборы дали полдня…

Эмилий Миндлин утверждал, что работал в «Вечерней Москве» с первого ее номера, то есть с 6 декабря 1923 года (уточнить это трудно — тогда почти все материалы шли без подписи). Его привлек туда легендарный публицист Михаил Кольцов, который первое время был заместителем ответственного редактора. «Сейчас просто диву даешься, когда вспомнишь, как весело и легко, с какой настоящей оперативностью делали тогда эту газету, — рассказывал Миндлин в мемуарной книге «Необыкновенные собеседники». — Тут же в типографии писались статьи и заметки, сюда привозили написанное вечером или ночью дома, все это тут же просматривалось Кольцовым и шло в набор». Миндлин и до «Вечерки» успел получить большой журналистский опыт, но таких изобретательных редакторов, как Кольцов, не встречал.

Правнучка Миндлина Анна с портретом Эмилия Львовича / Павел Волков, «Вечерняя Москва»

8 апреля 1924 года Эмилий напечатал статью «8000 поэтов в СССР», в которой осудил деятельность одной из писательских организаций. Секретарь организации прислал гневный отклик. Его опубликовали через два дня и сопроводили комментариями самых известных стихотворцев — Маяковского, Пастернака, Демьяна Бедного. «В одну ночь с помощью репортеров Кольцов умудрился опросить примерно пятнадцать поэтов», — восхищался Миндлин.

Поэты, кстати, были частыми гостями «Вечерки». В мемуарах Эмилий Львович пишет, что однажды Маяковский, заглянувший в редакцию, спросил, какие у журналистов гонорары. Ему ответили, что за судебный отчет, например, платят всего 6–7 рублей.

— Зачем же вы позволяете им так обращаться с вами? — вскипел Маяковский. — Если б платили сто рублей за отчет, я бы сам стал ходить по судам. Вот возьму сейчас и предложу себя в судебные репортеры.

И поэт действительно вломился в кабинет редактора (его имя Миндлин не называет) с этим предложением. «Если б от меня зависело, я бы, не задумываясь, согласился», — вздохнул редактор. Но такого дорогостоящего репортера «Вечерка» себе позволить не могла.

Звездный час Миндлина пробил 15 июня 1928 года — в тот день ледокол «Красин» вышел из ленинградского порта и отправился на выручку команде Нобиле. Сегодня даже трудно себе представить, что означала эта экспедиция.

Номер «Вечерки» за 6 июня 1928 года. На первой полосе сообщается, что редакция посылает на ледокол своего корреспондента

Это было первое крупное советское арктическое предприятие. Следующие громкие события, связанные с покорением Ледовитого океана, случатся намного позже: спасение парохода «Челюскин» — в 1934 году, дрейф станции Папанина и перелет Чкалова через Северный полюс — в 1937 году. Отечественная материально-техническая база пребывала в зародыше, даже с радиосвязью были проблемы. Добавим и международно-политический контекст: молодая социалистическая страна благородно выручала представителей фашистской Италии.

Эмилий Миндлин стал одним из семи советских журналистов, включенных в состав экспедиции «Красина». Все 134 человека на борту ледокола фактически были членами экипажа, выполняли моряцкие обязанности. Два месяца Эмилий выстаивал вахты, катал бревна и бочки, бегал по поручениям штурмана… И почти в каждый номер отстукивал корреспонденции. Конечно, маленькие, в несколько строк. Но даже это давалось не всегда легко.

В Российском государственном архиве литературы и искусства (фонд 2552, опись 1, дело 141) мы обнаружили копию заявления, которое Миндлин написал на имя начальника экспедиции Рудольфа Самойловича. Журналиста обвиняли в том, что он ругался в радиорубке. Репортер объяснялся, что на самом деле он в кают-компании «высказывал возмущение, что радисты зачастую не доводят до сведения корреспондентов о неотправленных телеграммах и отправляют их без нашего ведома с опозданием на несколько дней и тем самым выбрасывают на ветер иностранную валюту, что я квалифицировал как уголовщину». Заодно Миндлин пожаловался на радиста: «ударил меня дверью, разразился матерщиной, кричал по моему адресу: мерзавец — только за то, что я передал телеграмму через дверь, а не через иллюминатор. Между тем подход к иллюминатору был загроможден бревнами и является спорным вопрос об обязанности каждого из нас быть акробатом» (цитируем с сохранением стилистики и пунктуации оригинала). Впрочем, даже пока ледокол был в пути, в «Вечерке» появлялись и крупные тексты Миндлина. В репортаже от 23 июня говорилось, что текст отправлен с гидросамолетом, который догнал «Красина» в Финском заливе.

7 июля экипаж «Красина», застрявшего во льдах, решил разделиться. На борту везли в разобранном виде трехмоторный самолет. Миндлин до конца жизни гордился, что помогал выгружать на лед его крылья, а потом ему (вместе с еще одним журналистом) доверили нарисовать на них красные звезды — «первые в истории красные звезды в этих широтах!». Группа из пяти спасателей вылетела к итальянцам, но самолет сам потерпел крушение, и участников экспедиции спас все-таки освободившийся ледокол.

Значок участника спасательной экспедиции, которым очень дорожил Миндлин. В 2009 году наследники журналиста передали его в музей «Ледокол «Красин» в Санкт-Петербурге

Незабываемый день 12 июля 1928 года начался с того, что в 5 утра со льдины сняли итальянских штурманов Цаппи и Мариано. В полдень с другой льдины спасли итальянца и голландца, которые пытались самостоятельно отыскать экипаж дирижабля. А в 21:45 судно подошло к треник группы, Мальмгрен. Цаппи объяснял, что тот ослабел, не захотел стать обузой спутникам и попросил оставить его. Запас еды и одежду Мальмгрен якобы отдал Цаппи — почему-то ему одному… Итальянец категорически отказался от промывания желудка: оно могло бы выдать, чем же он питался. Сразу возникли самые циничные подозрения (они до сих пор не подтверждены, но и не опровергнуты). А вечером, когда в лазарет привели радиста Бьяджи из последней группы спасенных, Цаппи устроил скандал: Бьяджи — всего лишь сержант, он не имеет права лежать в одной каюте с офицерами! Потрясенный Миндлин уступил радисту свой диван в кают-компании. Тем не менее в статьях для «Вечерки» он постарался не выдавать своей неприязни к высокомерному итальянцу. «Пожалуй, мы писали о Цаппи куда сдержанней и корректней, чем вся мировая пресса», — подчеркивал Миндлин.

Штурман Вильери вручил Миндлину на память обрывок оболочки от дирижабля. В 2009 году наследники журналиста подарили этот кусок брезента музею «Ледокол «Красин» в СанктПетербурге.

— Этот фрагмент оболочки теперь — наш главный раритет, — говорит научный сотрудник музея Наталья Федотова. — А еще всем новым сотрудникам мы в первую очередь советуем прочесть книгу Миндлина «Красин» во льдах».

Каждый журналист, участвовавший экспедиции «Красина», сразу после возвращения написал по книге. Но сочинения остальных шестерых были вскоре забыты. И лишь брошюра корреспондента «Вечерки» переиздавалась и в последующие годы. Эмилий Миндлин прожил долгую жизнь, почти до конца дней работал и в прессе, и в литературе. И все-таки одной из его главных визитных карточек осталась «красинская» эпопея, случившаяся во время работы в «Вечерней Москве».

5 октября 1928 года. «Красин» в этот день вернулся в Ленинград. В порту его встречали почти 200 тысяч человек


Эмилий Львович Миндлин родился 25 мая 1900 года в Александровске (ныне Запорожье, Украина). С 1921 года жил в Москве, работал журналистом во множестве изданий. Автор романов «Дорога к дому» (1957), «Город на вершине холма» (1961), мемуарной книги «Необыкновенные собеседники» (1968). Оставил воспоминания о своих знаменитых знакомых — Марине Цветаевой, Осипе Мандельштаме, Максимилиане Волошине, Андрее Платонове. Скончался не ранее 25 мая и не позднее 5 августа 1981 года в Москве (точную дату установить не удалось).


Этот документ мы обнаружили в Российском государственном архиве литературы и искусства (фонд 2552, опись 1, дело 13). Это текст выступления (отпечатанная на машинке стенограмма) Эмилия Миндлина на собрании в «Вечерке». Даты под текстом не стояло. Но она обнаружилась в другом архиве — в отделе рукописей Института мировой литературы имени А. М. Горького (фонд 571, опись 2, дело 2), где хранятся дневники журналиста. В записи от 23 декабря 1927 года встретилось признание: «Вчера делал в редакции на собрании сотрудников доклад о «московском отделе»…» (лист 47).

Миндлин отзывается о работе отдела сурово. Но, вероятно, в его замечаниях было и здравое зерно. Проблемы, о которых он говорит — это вечные проблемы городской газеты: необходимость находить баланс между универсальностью и владением узкими темами, инициативой и исполнением «обязательной программы», занимательностью и отражением работы механизмов, движущих столичную жизнь (тех самых «учреждений»). Решение этих проблем «Вечерка» ищет при подготовке каждого номера — уже почти 95 лет.

«…мы неправильно растолковываем понятие московского отдела. <…> Здесь все — и хроника, и суд, <…> и театральные диспуты. Недавно я явился свидетелем разговора между Великодворским и Зайкиным о том, кто будет давать Гото* — иностранный отдел или московский. <…> Вот это, на мой взгляд, является основной причиной неправильной работы московского отдела. Он не имел границ, терял чувство ориентации.

Затем, дальше. У нас в ходу чрезвычайно любопытное выражение: «обслуживать учреждение». Карцман обслуживает МКХ**, другой обслуживает Наркомпрос и т.д. <…> Руководство, которое имеет место у нас, по моему мнению, представляется в виде какого-то входящего журнала, по отношению к которому исходящим является соответствующее пресс-бюро данного учреждения <…>

…пока Старшова или другой курьер утром не принесет газет, в типографии неизвестно, что сегодня делается на белом свете. <…> мы получаем их только к девяти <…> необходимо произвести «индустриализацию» Старшовой для того, чтобы газеты попадали к нам возможно ранее. <…> Представьте себе <…> человек, свалившийся с луны <…>, взялся судить по материалам московского отдела «Вечерней Москвы» о жизни города <…>. Этот человек неизбежно заключил бы, что в Москве вся жизнь протекает в стенах учреждений и больше нигде <…>

Недавно у нас была помещена <…> заметка <…> о том, в каких случаях домашняя работница имеет право на жилплощадь и т.д. У нас были проведены на эту тему три беседы и занято 50–60 строк петитом. На следующий день в «Известиях» была помещена <…> такая же заметка <…>, но всего в 7 строках нонпарели***. <…> Весьма вероятно, что было снято несколько довольно интересных заметок, и это только потому, что <…> не нашли возможным изложить то же самое в 7 строках <…> Очень жаль, что здесь нет Великодворского или Чарного****, а то они <…> заверили бы, что количество строк при разметке не должно играть никакой роли. <…>

Мне кажется, <…> то, что называется московским отделом, должно стать отделом московской хроники. Все остальное должно быть соответствующим образом распределено. Конечно, тут необходимо самым свирепым образом требовать непременной грамотности вообще и политической в частности. Пора перейти от кустарничества к деланию более грамотной газеты».


*Великодворский Николай Тимофеевич — ответственный секретарь редакции, Зайкин Павел Дмитриевич — заведующий московским отделом. Симпэй Гото (1857–1929) — японский политик, о его приезде в Москву «ВМ» сообщила 21 декабря 1927 года.

** Карцман Михаил Адольфович — многолетний сотрудник «ВМ». МКХ — отдел коммунального хозяйства Моссовета.

*** «Права домашних работниц на жилплощадь» («ВМ», 19 декабря 1927 года); «Права домашних рабочих на жилплощадь» («Известия», 20 декабря 1927 года). У «петита» кегль равен 8 пунктам, у «нонпарели» — шести.

**** Чарный Маркус Борисович (1901–1976) — помощник ответственного редактора «ВМ».

На главном снимке — Эмилий Миндлин в зените славы. Фото сделано, вероятно, в начале 1930-х годов / РОССИЙСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ АРХИВ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ И ИСКУССТВА. ФОНД 2552, ОПИСЬ 1, ДЕЛО 182, ЛИСТ 3.

Ледокол и человек. Репортер «Вечерней Москвы» Эмилий Миндлин спасал полярную экспедицию: 2 007 комментариев

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    заказать кондиционер http://kondicioner-cena.ru/ .

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    Reduslim soll beim Abnehmen helfen und den Stoffwechsel ankurbeln. Mozzi betont
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    regelmäßiger körperlicher Aktivität. Er empfiehlt Reduslim als unterstützende Maßnahme, um die Gewichtsabnahme
    zu erleichtern. Die Kombination aus gesunder Ernährung,
    Bewegung und Reduslim kann dabei helfen, das Wunschgewicht zu erreichen. Probieren auch Sie es aus und starten Sie noch heute Ihren Weg
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    my page — https://reduslim.at/

  81. Семейный юрист по алиментам — это специалист, оказывающий юридическую поддержку
    в решении вопросов, связанных с обязательными выплатами на содержание
    детей или иждивенцев. Задача такого юриста — обеспечить защиту интересов клиента согласно семейному законодательству и
    добиться справедливого разрешения
    алиментных споров.

    Основные услуги семейного юриста включают консультирование по вопросам алиментных
    обязательств, помощь в составлении
    и подаче исковых заявлений, ведение переговоров и
    представление интересов в
    суде. Юрист помогает определить оптимальный размер алиментов, учитывая требования законодательства, материальные возможности и реальные потребности сторон.

    Эксперт также разъяснит процедуру взыскания задолженности по алиментам,
    возможности изменения размера алиментов в зависимости от изменения обстоятельств и варианты обращения в органы принудительного исполнения при
    несоблюдении финансовых обязательств алиментоплательщиком.

    Обратившись к квалифицированному семейному юристу, можно
    гарантировать, что все правовые аспекты будут учтены профессионально и с
    соблюдением интересов клиента, что особенно важно
    в столь чувствительных вопросах, как содержание детей и семейные отношения.

    My web page: взыскать алименты юрист

  82. 1. Вибір натяжних стель — як правильно обрати?
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    3. Як зберегти чистоту натяжних стель?
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    5. Як підібрати дизайн натяжних стель до інтер’єру?
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    7. Натяжні стелі з фотопечаттю — оригінальне рішення для кухні
    8. Секрети вдалого монтажу натяжних стель
    9. Як зекономити на встановленні натяжних стель?
    10. Лампи для натяжних стель: які вибрати?
    11. Відтінки синього для натяжних стель — ексклюзивний вибір
    12. Якість матеріалів для натяжних стель: що обирати?
    13. Крок за кроком: як самостійно встановити натяжні стелі
    14. Натяжні стелі в дитячу кімнату: безпека та креативність
    15. Як підтримувати тепло у приміщенні за допомогою натяжних стель
    16. Вибір натяжних стель у ванну кімнату: практичні поради
    17. Натяжні стелі зі структурним покриттям — тренд сучасного дизайну
    18. Індивідуальність у кожному домашньому інтер’єрі: натяжні стелі з друком
    19. Як обрати освітлення для натяжних стель: поради фахівця
    20. Можливості дизайну натяжних стель: від класики до мінімалізму
    натяжні потолки ціна http://www.natjazhnistelitvhyn.kiev.ua .

  83. 1. Вибір натяжних стель: як вибрати ідеальний варіант?
    2. Модні тренди натяжних стель на поточний сезон
    3. Які переваги мають натяжні стелі порівняно зі звичайними?
    4. Як підібрати кольори для натяжної стелі у квартирі?
    5. Секрети догляду за натяжними стелями: що потрібно знати?
    6. Як зробити вибір між матовими та глянцевими натяжними стелями?
    7. Натяжні стелі в інтер’єрі: як вони змінюють приміщення?
    8. Натяжні стелі для ванної кімнати: плюси та мінуси
    9. Як підняти стеля візуально за допомогою натяжної конструкції?
    10. Як вибрати правильний дизайн натяжної стелі для кухні?
    11. Інноваційні технології виробництва натяжних стель: що варто знати?
    12. Чому натяжні стелі вибирають для офісних приміщень?
    13. Натяжні стелі з фотопринтом: які переваги цієї технології?
    14. Дизайнерські рішення для натяжних стель: ідеї для втілення
    15. Хімічні реагенти в складі натяжних стель: безпека та якість
    16. Як вибрати натяжну стелю для дитячої кімнати: поради батькам
    17. Які можливості для дизайну приміщень відкривають натяжні стелі?
    18. Як впливає вибір матеріалу на якість натяжної стелі?
    19. Інструкція з монтажу натяжних стель власноруч: крок за кроком
    20. Натяжні стелі як елемент екстер’єру будівлі: переваги та недоліки
    натяжні стелі дизайн http://www.natjazhnistelifvgtg.lviv.ua/ .

  84. Медицинский юрист — это специалист, работающий на пересечении двух важнейших областей: медицины и права.
    Его задача — обеспечение юридической поддержки в сфере здравоохранения,
    которая включает регулирование клинической практики, управление рисками, соблюдение прав пациентов и разрешение этических

    Медицинские юристы могут советовать
    больницам, медицинским страховым компаниям,
    фармацевтическим компаниям или
    работать напрямую с врачами.
    Они помогают организациям соблюдать многочисленные нормы здравоохранения,
    такие как HIPAA в США, и управлять
    медико-правовыми претензиями.

    Ключевой аспект работы медицинского юриста — представление интересов врачей в судебных процессах, связанных с медицинскими ошибками или несоблюдением стандартов практики.
    Они также консультируют медицинское персонал по вопросам получения информированного согласия от пациентов, конфиденциальности медицинской информации и правильной документации
    для предотвращения юридических проблем.

    Юридическое образование и дополнительные знания в области
    медицины делают медицинского юриста ценным активом для любого медицинского учреждения.
    Они играют критическую роль в поддержании
    баланса между сохранением жизней и соблюдением закона, что обеспечивает
    беспристрастное и правомерное оказание медицинских услуг.

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    이 곳은 고품격의 서비스와 다채로운 프로그램으로 손님들의 만족도를 높이고 있습니다.
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    해운대고구려는 해운대지역의 관광명소와도
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    해운대룸싸롱추천을 받는 부산룸싸롱도 매력적인 곳으로
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    Pharmacology, the science of drugs and their effects on living systems, plays a pivotal role in modern society.

    With an ever-increasing burden of diseases and health conditions, the development of new
    medications is vital for improving healthcare outcomes and enhancing quality of life.
    This article explores the significance of pharmacology and the process
    of drug development in addressing contemporary health challenges.

    **Understanding Pharmacology:**
    Pharmacology encompasses a multidisciplinary approach, combining aspects of
    biology, chemistry, physiology, and pathology to study how
    drugs interact with biological systems. It delves into the mechanisms of action, therapeutic effects, and potential side effects of medications.
    By comprehensively understanding these factors,
    pharmacologists strive to develop safer and more effective drugs for treating various ailments.

    **Importance of Drug Development:**
    The development of new drugs is essential for combating both
    prevalent and emerging health threats. Chronic diseases such as
    cardiovascular disorders, cancer, diabetes, and respiratory ailments
    continue to impose a significant burden on global health. Moreover, the
    emergence of novel pathogens, antimicrobial resistance,
    and environmental factors further underscore the need for innovative pharmaceutical

    **Phases of Drug Development:**
    The journey from drug discovery to market availability is a complex and rigorous
    process comprising several distinct phases:

    1. **Drug Discovery:** Scientists identify potential drug candidates through various means, including screening natural
    compounds, designing molecules using computational methods, or repurposing existing
    drugs for new indications.

    2. **Preclinical Research:** Promising drug candidates undergo extensive laboratory testing to assess their safety,
    efficacy, and pharmacokinetic properties in cellular and animal models.

    3. **Clinical Trials:** Drug candidates that demonstrate favorable preclinical results advance to clinical trials, which consist
    of three sequential phases:
    — **Phase I:** Involves testing the drug’s safety and dosage in a small group of healthy volunteers.

    — **Phase II:** Evaluates the drug’s efficacy and side effects in a larger group
    of individuals with the targeted disease or
    — **Phase III:** Further assesses the drug’s safety and efficacy in a diverse population across multiple locations to establish its therapeutic
    benefits and risks.

    4. **Regulatory Approval:** Following successful completion of
    clinical trials, pharmaceutical companies submit comprehensive data to regulatory authorities such as the FDA in the United States or the EMA in Europe for approval to market the

    5. **Post-Marketing Surveillance:** Even after approval, ongoing
    monitoring is crucial to detect any unforeseen adverse
    effects and ensure the drug’s continued safety and efficacy in real-world settings.

    **Challenges and Future Directions:**
    Despite significant advancements in pharmacology and drug development, several challenges persist.
    These include escalating research and development
    costs, regulatory hurdles, ethical considerations, and
    the increasing complexity of diseases. Additionally, disparities in access to medications and healthcare services remain a global concern.

    Looking ahead, emerging technologies such as precision medicine, gene editing, and artificial intelligence offer promising avenues for
    personalized therapies and targeted drug development. Collaborative efforts among
    researchers, clinicians, pharmaceutical companies, and policymakers are
    imperative to address these challenges and harness the full potential of pharmacology in improving global health outcomes.

    In conclusion, pharmacology plays a central role in modern society by driving the development of new
    medications to combat a myriad of health challenges. Through continuous innovation and collaboration, the field
    of pharmacology holds immense promise for enhancing healthcare delivery and
    promoting well-being worldwide.

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  165. The 15 Best Adult Cam Sites for Cam Girl Shows 2024 Updated

    Regardless, the experience will be enjoyable and scratch that
    itch. The platform’s user base primarily consists
    of younger individuals who are eager to embark on exciting
    erotic adventures and couples seeking ways to invigorate their bedroom experiences.
    However, it’s still in the process of adding more models, as it is one
    of the newer cam sites in our list, which may impact its diversity
    and selection, but it shows promise for future expansion and variety.
    It doesn’t need all the bells and whistles because it
    provides a large amount of really great shows.The top models tend to
    be surrounded by devout followers who crave repeat performances.Some
    may also offer geo-blocking features so cam models can block viewers in their
    local state, region, or country.Of course, if you have a sexual preference for trans performers,
    guys or couples and trios, we can help you out there, too,
    with our diverse sex cam selection.There are free rooms
    that you can enter to view live adult cam shows, but if you want the women to do anything specific during the show, you will
    need to spend.
    That said, BongaCams does use the freemium model, meaning cam girls only make money
    when viewers tip.BongaCams is an excellent place for
    watching couples get excited. If you’re an aspiring cam model thinking about getting a partner or friend involved in the action, Bonga
    may be the right cam site for you. An attractive girl hooks up her private camera
    and allows viewers to see her live.
    The “Free” in Flirt4Free might seem like something of a misnomer at first glance.
    While there’s always something hot going down in any number of public chatrooms,
    the real spank-bank-worthy action is saved
    for pay-per-minute private shows. Judging from many
    of the model reviews, Flirt camgirls tend
    to appeal to fans who want to go deeper on their fantasies.
    The top models tend to be surrounded by devout followers who crave repeat performances.
    Jerkmate’s motto is “Never jerk off alone again,” and it’s a unique cam site where users can filter the models they
    search for by personal preference. You can specify your preference in gender, kink, and
    even body type. It’s a matching system between viewers
    and cam girls, which makes it feel pretty special. Once you match with someone,
    you have the option of also becoming a cam model.
    You likely will reach for your credit card though,
    because Chaturbate is famous for delivering satisfying one-on-one shows.
    As you spend more time watching the show, your tokens will
    begin to dwindle. Additionally, the unique feature of
    remote control adds a thrilling dimension to the interactive experience.
    We’ve tried tons of different platforms for this article, and developed this guide to help you
    have the best webcam sites and live out the
    digital age to the fullest. By following these tips, you can get the most out of your xcam experience
    as a user. Whether you’re looking for a casual conversation or a more
    intimate encounter, these tips can help you have a memorable and enjoyable time at a love cam sex show.
    You will find every kind of female imaginable from all backgrounds,
    body shapes, and talents, so finding a hot
    female cam girl that fits your exact fantasy is easy on CAM4.
    It allows you to define the progress of the web cam sex scene
    that will take place live. Watching sexy women undress and perform live sex acts is an age old
    human pleasure, and on CAM4, we get to do just that,
    watch and admire beautiful girls getting naked on live cam.
    The site features cam girls of all types, from petite blonde camgirls to
    leggy redheads eager to scratch that horny itch!
    In this piece, I dive into the cream of the crop cam sites that cater to both models and viewers alike.

    Enter ONLY if you are at least 18 years old and agree to our cookie rules.
    A performer, the “cammer,” will livestream, and people
    watching the live stream will interact with the performer
    by chatting and tipping. Most cammers will do certain things for specific tip amounts, and many will eventually go private
    before ending a stream.

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    JerkMate has plenty of cam-2-cam and private show options available.
    Instead of making an account, users can log in using their Google account.
    Furthermore, the cam site accepts PayPal making it a great option for those who don’t feel comfortable using their credit card.
    It caters to individuals who find enjoyment in casual conversations, relishing the performances of female models.
    If you’re someone who is at ease engaging in playful chats and
    forming connections with strangers in a virtual space, this platform could be a
    delightful fit. However, MyFreeCams might not be
    the ideal choice for those seeking serious relationships and profound commitments.
    We reward our cam girls every day by scoring their shows and giving prizes to the top winners.With under 1 million monthly viewers, Cams.com receives significantly less traffic than the other two cam sites we’ve covered.Those who are looking to connect will have to pay tokens in the rooms.When it comes to LIVE
    adult camming, other sites cannot compare.
    All models can be filtered by language, and as of now, over 15 languages are supported.Best of all, all live adult public cams are 100% free to view, making
    it as easy as possible to find the perfect cam girl.
    The more tokens a model receives the higher her payout percentage is.
    Jerkmate boasts an impressive customer overall rating score of 4.5 out
    of 5, a testament to its outstanding user experience. This
    rating is substantiated by reviews like Fernando’s, who candidly shares his positive transformation in perspective
    after discovering Jerkmate. Fernando’s testimonial underscores how the
    platform revolutionized his perception of adult webcams, introducing him to a plethora of attractive and engaging cam
    girls. Experience intimacy and personalization like never before through our use of the latest technology.
    Signing up on a cam site is pretty simple most of the time.Most cam girl sites offer free sign-ups and all you would need is to set a username,
    put your email address, and later, you can add payment details.
    The site lets models set their own subscription rate
    between $4.99 and $49.99 a month. However, most webcam models here set a low subscription rate or start free to create a fan base first.
    MyFreeCams works best on the tip system as opposed to the one-on-one free chat.
    With under 1 million monthly viewers, Cams.com receives significantly less traffic than the other two cam sites we’ve
    covered. If you haven’t guessed by now, female cam shows are by far
    the most popular sex cam channel on CAM4. The site has thousands of incredibly talented
    and sexy female cam star performers streaming online 24/7.
    You will find countless amounts of adult cam shows
    ranging from barely legal teens (18+) to Milfs (mom I’d like to fuck) who are very eager to make you feel like a porn king.

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  173. Live Cam Girl Porn Videos

    One thing that BabeStation is missing is an easy way for new visitors to browse and filter.
    Most of the models are great, but this site isn’t designed to cater to unique
    fetishes because it’s hard to navigate. They
    will sometimes just keep their camera on while they go about mundane tasks,
    which is more of a voyeuristic experience than an interactive cam show.
    Most sites that have been around for as long as BabeStation have pretty much nailed the cam girl experience.
    It doesn’t matter if it’s during your 12 PM lunch break or
    after midnight, this site is always busy.Everyone wants their time, and you may also
    want, for that you can simply buy their time to fulfill your
    desires.Not only is the name genius for a camgirl site, but Chaturbate has managed to stand the test of time.Yet,
    all those choices may be overwhelming, and it
    might feel like finding a needle in a haystack to find something of high quality.

    The women on Chaturbate are trying to get you to eventually pay
    for a private show, which is what most people want anyway.
    We will admit though that the teasers are often very explicit and can usually get the job done before you even grab your wallet.
    The main reason behind becoming a camgirl is it’s completely online and shortcut for those girls who like to earn easy money.
    It is a virtual job; girls do not need to be physically present.
    Providing a false declaration under penalty of perjury is a
    criminal offense. If you are under the age of 18, or if it’s illegal to
    view sexually explicit material in your area, or you do not
    wish to view sexually explicit materials, click here now.
    Judging from many of the model reviews, Flirt camgirls tend to appeal to fans who want to go deeper on their fantasies.

    The top models tend to be surrounded by devout followers who crave
    repeat performances. There are thousands of cam sites, and those sites
    have millions of cam girls, and millions of cam
    girls are always online & interested in meeting strangers.
    They are very engaging, personable, and (of course) sexy.

    If you’re after quantity, Streammate is a good option.
    Almost all popular cam sites work on this model, though there are some
    exceptions. When spending your hard-earned money,
    it’s always good to avoid wasting it.
    Of all the cam sites, BabeStation is not one that you
    want to breeze past because it has a lot to offer. Before you commit, you’ll be shown a preview, told where the
    model is from, and told how many credits you’ll need
    to pay for your time.
    There are literally thousands of models online at any given time
    when you head over to the site. It doesn’t matter if it’s during your
    12 PM lunch break or after midnight, this site is always busy.
    You’re probably wondering if Chaturbate is completely free.
    While you can enter any live show for free, you are really walking
    into a teaser of sorts.
    You might find that it enhances your overall experience, especially if you tip to get into private shows.
    Otherwise, you might as well just stick to regular porn.
    … For pay-per-minute Skype cam sex sessions or prepaid ones.
    Our cam chicks are, without a doubt, quite beautiful. But
    they’re also friendly, playful, horny, and quick to comply, especially if you send them tokens!
    Tell them what you want to see, then sit back and watch the performance unfold.

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    Other links on the right side include the most current Camster action, such as new
    girls getting online – perhaps one of your favorites.

    It is far more convenient than periodically refreshing the model’s
    website. It is free, loaded with content, easy to use and it doesn’t require
    any account or registration to view the material.
    You can offer different levels of intimacy with your personalized advice (it will be
    just like being that friend that is there to listen).Some professional cam sites may be more discriminating about appearance,
    while sites like Chaturbate will allow anyone of legal age to sign up as a
    model.Furthermore, with the new girls section, viewers can straight up find the latest tantalizing entertainers on the site.Leading the way is Jerkmate,
    boasting a lineup of gorgeous cam models, impressive features, and a straightforward payout system.With more
    than 340 million visitors every month, BongaCams is the
    largest cam site in terms of monthly visits.It’s by no chance that Cams.com makes it to
    the best webcam girl site list.
    You could add Tip menu options like “get dressed/undressed”, or any order you
    can think of. Even how to pose or which way to turn to are good alternatives.
    Is there money in being a cam girl? I'm a cam girl!

    I can make anywhere from 50–1000 dollars
    a week depending on how much time and how engaging I want to be.
    I've made 1000 dollars off 30 hours of camming.
    Keep in mind that that is based off site that allows ANYONE to watch me live, but users tip or take me private to
    get extra goodies.
    Cams.com also offers fan clubs and options to purchase models
    custom videos and photos. They go a great job of facilitating fun, safe, and close relationships between models and their
    audiences. Cams.com is not only ahead of the game in terms
    of their diversity, but they are also very technologically advanced.
    If you don’t like Jerkmate, LiveJasmin is another option to
    check out. OnlyFans features plenty of celebrities and ex-porn stars
    willing to bare-all for the right price. Examples of this include popular names like Mia Khalifa, Scarlet
    Scandal, and Riley Reid.
    It is even possible to have a Private chat that is Ninja so you
    don’t know who you are talking to. In case you’re wondering, yes, girl on girl
    entertainment is definitely on the table. Sure, they’re not the pros that
    you’ll find on LiveJasmin, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t good.
    However, to have more control over your experience on MyFreeCams, you might want
    to opt for the premium or VIP membership for private shows, face-to-face cams, group
    shows, tipping, messaging, and a lot more. Cam girls can sync their sex toys with their
    account tips, so whenever a tip comes in, those legs go shaking, further encouraging us to go all
    in and see them go all the way.
    In contrast to Chaturbate which is mostly American-centered,
    LiveJasmin is a hub for European models. However, there are still cam models there for all over the world.
    On top of that, most cam models here are amateur or semi-amateur, which definitely adds
    a layer of excitement to the mix. As any Jerkmate Review will tell you, this site has one of the
    best cam-to-cam modes among webcam sites.
    This is a pro for most, but some viewers enjoy a more realistic feel.
    LiveJasmin is full of recognizable and famous cammers,
    making it one of the best cam sites around. If you decide that you’d like to pay for MyFreeCams because you can afford to or you’ve got extra cash
    lying around, you will be given the keys to their entire library
    of cam girl archives.

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  182. Free Adult Webcams & Live Sex Free Chat with Girls Live
    Cam Girls, Free Webcam Girls at Chaturbate

    That’s your sneak peek for what is to come when you actually click on one of these
    images. Immediately you’ll be launched into a wonderfully raunchy cam show completely free of charge.
    At first blush, it looks like most of these cam girls are doing solo
    shows, but once you take a deeper dive, you’ll find couples, threesomes, and other unique
    and interesting live shows to choose from. You can also search for shows by filtering by the huge list
    of categories or tags.
    So, if you want the vast majority of your hard-earned money to go to the actual cam model, then Cherry.tv is a great option for you.
    Truthfully, it’s because they want to be tipped well, but you can rest assured that any model you watch on Streamate will work very
    hard to earn your affection.
    Besides removing objects that might identify you, it’s crucial that you feel good about your camming environment.
    Here, we are talking about more than just having the best camera for streaming, great
    performances, and outfits on point. You can’t have successful webcam videos without a good
    source or good sources of light.
    How much do entry level cam girls make? With less than a year
    of experience, new cam models typically make $804 per week,
    or $43 per hour. Models with five or
    more years of camming experience often make $2,875 per week, or $103
    per hour, making them nearly three times as much money.
    There is nothing quite like interacting with live big
    tit cam girls and it is easy to see why these are some of our most popular adult
    web cams. There are tons of live big tit sex cams
    to choose from, but you can narrow your search by using filters such as age, viewers,
    rating, and many more to find the perfect big tits
    for you. Enter into any big tit webcam room and live sex
    chat with the model. You can even create a free account and
    take advantage of perks such as a unique username, full screen live sex cams, and the ability to send tokens and get extra special
    live sex shows from models with big tits.
    This is what inherently separates them from regular porn sites.
    If no one participated—neither chatted nor gave any tips—the cam site wouldn’t exist.
    JerkMate has unrivaled 1-on-1 cam model shows, while Flirt4Free lets you get a taste of their cam models for free (hence the name) before you go any further.“If
    you have a partner who has made you uncomfortable in the past, this is not someone who will respect your boundaries now,” Franks says.LuckyCrush has a built-in translation feature that
    makes it easy to communicate with models worldwide.Whatever floats
    your boat, RabbitsCams has the cam model to fit your tastes.Stripchat works best for webcam models
    that know how to play towards tips.People can also find ways
    to take screenshots on Snapchat without the user knowing, Bowden adds.

    Loving cam girls enough to tip them is a great feeling that many people enjoy, but you don’t necessarily want everybody else to
    know what you are doing. Thanks to the rise of OnlyFans, public
    perception towards webcam models has changed in recent years.

    The more tokens a model receives the higher her payout percentage is.
    It’s fun to browse through the thumbnails of videos on the XCams homepage because you
    get a peek at all the unique shows they have to
    offer. There are literally thousands of models online at
    any given time when you head over to the site. It doesn’t matter if it’s during your 12 PM lunch break or after midnight, this
    site is always busy. The most noteworthy thing to say about LiveJasmin is that the cam models on this site are
    drop-dead gorgeous.
    The point is, if you don’t feel comfortable with certain types of
    virtual sex for any reason, that doesn’t mean you have to completely abstain from
    all sexual interaction right now. Instead, it’s about figuring out what works best for everyone involved.

  183. Live cam girls & sex cam girls, live porn ~ livecamgirls io

    For this, and several other reasons, StripCamFun is among the very best cam
    sites it is possible to work with. SCF and Chaturbate are among the very best cam websites.
    StripCamFun is most likely the best cam website for newcomers.
    And so much more connected and… closer to her than in any live cam sex shows you can enjoy on other cam sites.You’ll be informed
    of everything up front, which helps you figure out which shows are worth watching based on your personal preference and
    what you can afford.Of course, if you want to save your favorite cams
    and leave feedback, setting up your free account will only take
    a few clicks and keyboard taps to accomplish.If you’re not familiar with this
    stuff then let me tell you how it works these ladies love to have live camgirl sex.Once you use NudeLive’s free cam shows, we are sure you
    will never watch porn tube videos again.The shows are usually worth it, but don’t expect a ton of interaction from
    the models.
    Your best bet is to browse some of the top cam sites before
    signing up for any subscriptions, premium memberships, etc.

    Many cam sites can even be browsed for free—even the biggest
    one, Chaturbate.
    The site has only recently gone live and is still in Beta mode,
    which means for now they only have cis-women and trans women cam girls.
    That said, the platform will be opened up to everyone in the next
    version. The pay structure at ImLive gives you options, which is a
    definite plus. You can either pay by the minute or send models
    Once you use NudeLive’s free cam shows,
    we are sure you will never watch porn tube videos again. The prettiest cam models, sexiest sweethearts and most
    popular live sex cam performers are all here to please you!

    Enjoy free live chat, cam to cam video calls and fully interactive
    toy shows that become memories you will cherish for the rest of your life.
    You may switch your device’s camera by pressing the switch icon over the video.
    Offering exclusive content not available on Pornhub.com.
    All models are at least 18 years old and have verified their identity.
    Enter ONLY if you are Over 18 and you agree to our Cookie policies.
    Jerkmate™ contains sexually explicit content restricted to adults.
    You must have reached the age of majority in your place of residence in order to access this site’s content.
    So, it’s recommended to spend some time familiarizing yourself
    with the various sites out there before spending any cash.
    They are women who seem to fit right into the
    porn industry. They really know what they are doing and they are fantastic at putting on a show for an audience.
    You will get 25 free credits just for signing up,
    giving you about five minutes on average. The most noteworthy
    thing to say about LiveJasmin is that the cam models on this site are drop-dead gorgeous.
    Camster is one of the most well-known names among live sex cam sites, and for a very good reason.
    It attracts a lot of hot girls, and the video quality is almost always HD.
    This sex site is populated by elite-level cam girls from all over the
    world who know how to cater to your desires. They’re virtually
    all hair and make-up ready and dressed to kill
    in gorgeous lingerie at the same time.

  184. Live Sex Free Cams, Adult Webcams & Live Porn Chat

    So, it’s recommended to spend some time familiarizing yourself
    with the various sites out there before spending any cash.
    They are women who seem to fit right into the
    porn industry. They really know what they are doing and they are fantastic at putting on a show for an audience.
    You will get 25 free credits just for signing up, giving
    you about five minutes on average. The most noteworthy thing
    to say about LiveJasmin is that the cam models on this site are drop-dead gorgeous.
    The site has only recently gone live and is still in Beta mode, which means for now
    they only have cis-women and trans women cam girls. That said, the platform
    will be opened up to everyone in the next version. The pay
    structure at ImLive gives you options, which is a definite plus.
    You can either pay by the minute or send models tips.
    Among the thousands of Skype sex girls on SkyPrivate. The reaction from
    users has been extremely positive.
    Your best bet is to browse some of the top cam sites before signing up for any
    subscriptions, premium memberships, etc. Many cam sites can even be browsed for free—even the biggest one, Chaturbate.
    If you feel porn has become monotonous and dull, and there’s nothing
    new under the sun, our cam site will change that. We’ve turned adult entertainment into an INTERACTIVE experience, a two-way
    street of mutual camming pleasure and satisfaction. You might feel a bit lost if you’re brand new to cam sites.
    You can watch unlimited cam sex without having to signup or pay.They are diverse,
    in shape, stunning, manicured, and all-around extremely
    attractive.The main reason behind becoming a camgirl is
    it’s completely online and shortcut for those girls who like to earn easy money.When you enter a free live show, you are
    shown a list of the models prices per a given activity.
    For this, and several other reasons, StripCamFun is among the very best
    cam sites it is possible to work with. SCF and Chaturbate are among the very best cam websites.
    StripCamFun is most likely the best cam website for newcomers.
    You may switch your device’s camera by pressing the switch icon over the video.
    Offering exclusive content not available on Pornhub.com.
    All models are at least 18 years old and have verified their identity.
    Enter ONLY if you are Over 18 and you agree to our
    Cookie policies.

  185. Free Adult Webcams & Live Sex Free Chat with Girls
    Live Cam Girls, Free Webcam Girls at Chaturbate

    If you don’t like Jerkmate, LiveJasmin is another
    option to check out. OnlyFans features plenty of celebrities and ex-porn stars willing to bare-all for
    the right price. Examples of this include popular names like Mia Khalifa, Scarlet
    Scandal, and Riley Reid.
    Because the site operates both free public shows and pay-per-minute exclusive shows, there are two
    ways to coin in.Expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $100 per hour watching one
    of the Jerkmate shows.Some of them just like to strip and others take it up
    a notch by displaying naughty activities.Some may also offer geo-blocking features so cam models can block viewers in their local state, region, or country.

    You get 120 credits free, which is a more than reasonable amount
    to decide if Camster is your thing.Camster has the same engaging
    features for a lot less of your hard-earned money and more models.
    The features & functions are all fantastic, easy to use,
    with the simplest of usability. With under 1 million monthly viewers,
    Cams.com receives significantly less traffic than the other two
    cam sites we’ve covered.
    You could add Tip menu options like “get dressed/undressed”,
    or any order you can think of. Even how to pose or which way to
    turn to are good alternatives.
    How quickly can you make money camming?
    If you're just starting out as a webcam
    model, you can expect to earn between $25 to $105 per hour.
    However, this rate can significantly increase with experience, audience engagement, and the right platform choice.
    Experienced cam girls can make between $250 to $500 per hour.
    These models are used to the dynamic of the site and aren’t normally willing to make an exception for anyone.

    These models also aren’t the most responsive to requests in their chat
    They actually pay a lot of attention to the chat as their show is live and they make you feel
    like you are actually in the room with them while they are performing.
    People have complained before that some models on CamSoda talk too much or spend too much time replying to their fans.
    JerkMate has plenty of cam-2-cam and private show options available.
    Instead of making an account, users can log in using their Google account.
    Furthermore, the cam site accepts PayPal making it a great option for
    those who don’t feel comfortable using their credit card.
    Jerkmate uses a Chatroulette-type approach and all new users are asked to fill
    out a questionnaire during the sign-up process.Once completed, this
    questionnaire is used to match new users with cam girls.
    Other links on the right side include the most current Camster action, such as
    new girls getting online – perhaps one of your favorites.
    It is far more convenient than periodically refreshing the model’s website.
    It is free, loaded with content, easy to
    use and it doesn’t require any account or registration to view the material.
    There is also a “Newcomer” section for the viewers who love to watch fresh talent or want to discover
    new models. If you would like to invite your viewers into a themed cam world, you will need to construct a space for that.
    Dressing up as a teacher, nurse, maid, or fitness instructor?
    This is a pro for most, but some viewers enjoy a more realistic
    feel. LiveJasmin is full of recognizable and famous cammers,
    making it one of the best cam sites around.
    If you decide that you’d like to pay for MyFreeCams
    because you can afford to or you’ve got extra cash lying around, you will be given the keys
    to their entire library of cam girl archives.

  186. Live Cam Girls, Free Webcams & Sex Chat with Nude Women

    That said, the biggest cam sites like Chaturbate give you different filtering options; the default
    is to show you the cammers with the largest number of viewers.

    This generally means you can find high-quality content without looking too far.

    BabeStation has been around for nearly two decades and is the biggest cam site for UK models.
    They are diverse, in shape, stunning, manicured, and
    all-around extremely attractive. You will notice this the minute you hop onto the
    home page. It looks well put together, modern,
    and professional. It’s not everyone’s
    cup of tea, but there are folks out there who love it.
    Not only is the name genius for a camgirl site, but Chaturbate has managed to stand the test
    of time. We can’t believe it’s been ten years
    since it was created back in 2011.
    Make certain that you’ll have the time to chat and webcam before starting a conversation with one of our ladies.

    Camming can be quite a timer passer because you’re having so much intimacy with someone.
    LuckyCrush is a cam girl site that randomly matches you with
    flirty ladies. It’s newer, but it has managed to attract millions of users on a monthly basis.
    They’re virtually all hair and make-up ready and dressed to kill in gorgeous lingerie at the same time.You might not know
    it by just visiting their website because initially, it looks like your average
    cam site.It’s fun to browse through the thumbnails of videos on the XCams homepage because you get
    a peek at all the unique shows they have to offer.Tons
    of cam sites have popped up, and not all of them are
    created equal—in fact, it’s not even close.Jerkmate’s motto is “Never
    jerk off alone again,” and it’s a unique cam site where users
    can filter the models they search for by personal preference.

    The adult social network site where you can watch
    and interact with the best live cam girls 24 hours a day.
    Camster.com brings you thousands of cam girls from home and many new amateur girls added daily.
    Our advanced broadcast and webcam streaming technology gives the best free live sex chat experience on the internet today.

    Of course, if you have a sexual preference for trans performers,
    guys or couples and trios, we can help you out there, too, with
    our diverse sex cam selection.

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    Pornhub provides you with unlimited free porn videos with the hottest adult performers.
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    Still, I’m not trying to say that all black girls are
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    Oh no, you can also check out the various subgenres of this content, such as
    New Ebony for the latest ebony cams, Spy on Ebony, Ebony
    Teen, Ebony Young, Ebony MILF, Ebony Mature, Skinny Ebony, BBW
    Ebony and so on. All these subgenres can be found near the top of the page,
    when you click on the Ebony category on Stripchat.com.
    These options make for a much better and more customized experience than what you’re used to on other sites,
    so that’s a giant plus for them.
    With over 300 cams to enjoy at all times and at any given moment only
    in the ebony category alone, I’m pretty sure that
    you’ll find an ideal ebony bitch to enjoy. It’s up to you whether to
    check this site out, but since it’s free, it’s a no-brainer.
    Still, I’m not trying to say that all black girls are the same, but they kind of are!
    Just so you know, you can create an account for free, and this could really go a long way in giving you the best cam experience.
    Sometimes it can even double, depending on which time of day you access the site and how many girls just
    got the urge to perform that day. Many of them have a schedule
    that they follow when they perform, so you can refer to that at all times
    if you have any trouble with finding the right bitch to watch.
    The purpose of all of that to create an ultimate destination for adult entertainment filled with good vibes and happy aftertaste.
    Join a fun community and get access to thousands of live cam girls to interact with absolutely FREE.

    XVideos.com — the best free porn videos on internet, 100% free.
    Explore countless categories and free cams to suit all tastes.
    No matter what floats your boat, you’ll find it on Stripchat; VR cams, outdoor live shows… you name it.
    Stripchat and other cam sites saw significant
    growth in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All models
    appearing on this site have contractually confirmed to
    us that they are 18 years of age or older.
    We update our porn videos daily to ensure you always get the
    best quality sex movies. Besides watching the shows, you
    can also control performers with interactive toys, select what desire you want to
    explore from the tokens menu, go for Private shows and use your camera to connect more intimately.
    With all these hot ebony cam sluts on Stripchat.com to choose from,
    you’ll definitely find the right one for your needs that fits your
    taste just perfectly. I really like searching through all of them
    and I think that you will too. One of the great things about Stripchat.com
    is that you don’t have to limit yourself solely to the category of
    ebony girls.
    And, of course, to keep up with the times and with
    the competition, you can expect that all the hot ebony girls and their cam shows on Stripchat are
    completely free for you to enjoy. You can open as
    many of these cam shows as you want and enjoy them without a second thought.
    You will even get a few extra free credits if you make an account, but we’ll get to
    that in a bit.

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  190. Live Sex Free Cams, Adult Webcams & Live Porn Chat

    Other than the beautiful cammers and modern interface, there’s not much
    about LiveJasmin that makes it stand out. It’s set up like many other cam sites and takes you through the same
    There has never been a better time to interact with a live
    cam girl. Thanks to technology moving things forward, and the fact that it’s more satisfying to
    connect with a live model than watch a prerecorded video,
    the adult cam site industry is truly thriving.
    The site’s membership includes an array of users, from casual viewers to dedicated cam girls fans.
    For example, hooking up your webcam and enjoying live Cam2Cam shows with sexy cam models.
    It also means watching her masturbate while you jerk your throbbing
    hard cock.
    Meet stunning cam models with hot bodies, sweet personalities, and insatiable sex drives.
    They love to masturbate their pussy and can do so repeatedly, several
    times a day. Multiple orgasms flow through them like
    storms, climaxing in screams of lust and passion.
    The live shows are kind of like a teaser video,
    where the cam models want you to inquire about a private show.
    Live sex is immediately accessible online thanks to connected webcams.

    Many private sex shows take place live and are broadcast on the web
    by a hidden webcam.
    On the surface, it’s a way to view beautiful live stripteases performed by stunning models.
    Some of them just like to strip and others take it up a notch by displaying naughty
    On top of this, models get to keep just over 50% of all
    revenue they generate.Another interesting feature offered by BongaCams is their referral program.She’s also known for breaking out the interactive
    toy and handing over full control to her viewers.You might be
    better off finding a site with fewer models but with a higher
    percentage of fun, engaged, and attractive
    ones.LiveJasmin is full of recognizable and famous
    cammers, making it one of the best cam sites around.This sex site is populated by elite-level cam girls from all over
    the world who know how to cater to your desires.
    A nice perk, though, is the fact that LiveJasmin caters
    to every type of gender and sexuality, giving it
    a distinctly diverse library of models and streams to choose
    from. This list includes some of the best cam sites that have
    high-quality live videos, various chat room options, impressive features, and
    more. Instead of charging per minute, CamSoda’s sex cams’
    pricing model relies on donations.
    Most of the models are great, but this site isn’t designed to cater to unique fetishes because it’s hard to navigate.
    They will sometimes just keep their camera on while they go about mundane tasks,
    which is more of a voyeuristic experience than an interactive cam show.
    The spectators of the live show can share the emotion that emanates from it and obtain a moment of intense pleasure live.

    The show is similar to live porn when a couple shares a moment of anal penetration or
    intimate touching. Some may also offer geo-blocking features
    so cam models can block viewers in their local state, region, or country.

    This isn’t a foolproof way to avoid people you know in real life, but it
    In that regard, it’s a little different from your
    average sex cam site. You can check out the videos for free and tip the models, like you normally would.
    These tips are given in the form of tokens, which you will need to purchase beforehand.
    Most cam sites will allow you to enter free cam shows, but not before informing you of
    what you should tip the model or what each naughty activity costs.

  191. Free Chat with Girls Live Cam Girls, Free Webcam Girls at Chaturbate

    And for cam girls that understand the art of pleasing people, tipping is the best way to make a really
    fun show. Cam girls largely earn by receiving tips from visitors
    on public chats, so you might even get a full show for free.
    But still, there’s the pay-per-minute, private cam shows
    where you can get 1-on-1 time and REALLY let loose. On top of that, if you don’t
    strike a chord with your match, you can pick from the wide selection of webcam girl categories and advanced search features for a trip
    to your ultimate dream lassie.
    If you’re OK with just being a voyeur for free, MyFreeCams is a
    fantastic budget-friendly option for you.If you have a few minutes and a few extra tokens, why not spend
    time with our sexual performers?To get that ultimate interaction you can opt for
    the premium membership or VIP membership depending on how much control and entertainment you want.In other words,
    there isn’t any real gender diversity unless you head over to
    their couples section.
    You can use 25 free credits to experience free live sex on camera with all our
    online camgirls. This experience will convince you of the
    pleasure it provides.
    The best cam sites to work for today are Chaturbate, LiveJasmin, Flirt4Free,
    and OnlyFans. These top cam sites have hundreds of millions of monthly users, creating a
    good starting base for new cam models. Additionally, the
    best cam sites have high percentage cuts for models.

    For my peeps, you’ll find just about anything you want,
    from your kinks to threesomes, couples, orgies, trans cams,
    guys, girl live adult cams, and more.
    To top it off, all new models get boosted for two weeks meaning they receive increased exposure, viewership,
    and, hopefully, earnings. The best part about MyFreeCams is the 60% payout rate, which is higher than what
    most other cam girl sites offer. CamSoda earns a respectable customer review score of 4 out of 5.
    CamSoda boasts a wide collection of categories to cater
    to diverse preferences, and its optimized mobile version ensures a seamless experience
    for on-the-go users. As we notice in most cam sites, however, LiveJasmin may not
    be the optimal choice for those searching for long-term romance or physical encounters.
    The site has tons of voyeur videos, so you won’t be short on angles.
    All tokens gained from this promotion can be
    used to purchase a private show or given out as tips. The
    adult social network site where you can watch and interact with the best live cam girls 24
    hours a day.
    Xcams follows in the footsteps of LiveJasmin with its luscious European models.
    Suffice to say, the site gets a good fan base from, well,
    moneyed European guys. While not technically a webcam site, OnlyFans can certainly be used
    to connect with models for a similar experience.
    This is a pro for most, but some viewers enjoy a more
    realistic feel. LiveJasmin is full of recognizable and famous cammers,
    making it one of the best cam sites around.
    Cams.com is not only ahead of the game in terms of their diversity, but
    they are also very technologically advanced.
    Our carefully selected model ensures a seamless experience,
    custom-tailored to meet your specific requirements, providing unparalleled satisfaction and reliability.

    There’s no straightforward answer as to if working on an adult site will affect your
    future career, as it depends on your current job, your content and popularity on the cam site, etc.
    These women will expect you to give them tons of tokens if you want them to do anything specific, but this is pretty normal for camming
    websites. Differentlly than other cam sites, CamSoda distinguishes itself as an online hookup platform operating in real-time.
    Beyond merely watching live girls, it offers the opportunity to transition online
    interactions into offline encounters.

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    The purpose of all of that to create an ultimate destination for adult entertainment filled with good vibes
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    XVideos.com — the best free porn videos on internet, 100% free.
    And, of course, to keep up with the times and with the competition,
    you can expect that all the hot ebony girls and their cam shows on Stripchat are completely free for you
    to enjoy. You can open as many of these cam shows
    as you want and enjoy them without a second thought. You will even get a few extra free credits if you make an account, but we’ll get
    to that in a bit.
    Enjoy the largest amateur porn community on the net as well as full-length scenes from the top XXX studios.XVideos.com — the best free porn videos
    on internet, 100% free.And, of course, to keep up with the times and
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    cam shows on Stripchat are completely free for you to enjoy.All models appearing on this site
    have contractually confirmed to us that they are 18 years of
    age or older.
    Just so you know, you can create an account for free, and this
    could really go a long way in giving you the best
    cam experience. Sometimes it can even double, depending on which time of day you access the site and how many girls just got the urge to perform that day.
    Many of them have a schedule that they follow when they perform, so you can refer to that at
    all times if you have any trouble with finding the
    right bitch to watch.
    Oh no, you can also check out the various subgenres of this content, such as New Ebony for the latest ebony cams, Spy
    on Ebony, Ebony Teen, Ebony Young, Ebony MILF, Ebony Mature, Skinny Ebony, BBW Ebony and so on. All these subgenres can be found near the top of the page,
    when you click on the Ebony category on Stripchat.com.
    These options make for a much better and more customized experience than what you’re used to
    on other sites, so that’s a giant plus for them.
    We update our porn videos daily to ensure you always get the best quality sex movies.
    Besides watching the shows, you can also
    control performers with interactive toys, select what desire you want
    to explore from the tokens menu, go for Private shows and
    use your camera to connect more intimately.
    Pornhub provides you with unlimited free porn videos with the hottest adult performers.
    Enjoy the largest amateur porn community on the net as well as full-length scenes from
    the top XXX studios.
    They’re all ready to get down and dirty and they can get really
    freaky on their live cams. Also, you can expect that many of the ebony girls on these cams get nasty
    as heck and more quickly get to the point of the stream where they
    reveal all their private parts for your enjoyment.
    With all these hot ebony cam sluts on Stripchat.com to choose from, you’ll definitely find the right one for your needs that fits your taste just perfectly.
    I really like searching through all of them and I think that you will too.
    One of the great things about Stripchat.com is that you don’t have to limit yourself solely to the category of
    ebony girls.

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  195. 9 Best Adult Cam Sites: Free Online Live Webcam Shows in 2024

    You can use 25 free credits to experience free
    live sex on camera with all our online camgirls. This experience will
    convince you of the pleasure it provides.
    This is a pro for most, but some viewers enjoy a more realistic
    feel. LiveJasmin is full of recognizable and famous cammers,
    making it one of the best cam sites around. Cams.com is not only ahead of the
    game in terms of their diversity, but they are also very technologically advanced.
    BabeStation does offer a ton of promotions at
    any given time, making it feel very affordable when you decide
    that you do want to tip a model.Once you match with
    someone, you have the option of also becoming a
    cam model.The young woman can then share her moment of masturbation or
    intimate pleasure live in front of her private camera.These days, cam models typically use adult cam sites as their platform for connecting with viewers.This allows you to
    explore a wide range of content beyond live adult shows.
    CamSoda boasts a wide collection of categories to cater to diverse
    preferences, and its optimized mobile version ensures a seamless experience for on-the-go users.
    As we notice in most cam sites, however, LiveJasmin may not be the optimal choice for those searching for long-term romance or physical encounters.
    The site has tons of voyeur videos, so you won’t be short on angles.
    Xcams follows in the footsteps of LiveJasmin with its luscious
    European models. Suffice to say, the site gets
    a good fan base from, well, moneyed European guys. While not technically a
    webcam site, OnlyFans can certainly be used to connect with models for a similar experience.
    And for cam girls that understand the art of pleasing
    people, tipping is the best way to make a really fun show.
    Cam girls largely earn by receiving tips from visitors on public chats,
    so you might even get a full show for free. But still, there’s the pay-per-minute, private cam shows where you
    can get 1-on-1 time and REALLY let loose. On top of that, if you don’t strike
    a chord with your match, you can pick from the wide selection of webcam girl categories and advanced search features for a trip to
    your ultimate dream lassie.
    All tokens gained from this promotion can be used to purchase a private show or given out as tips.
    The adult social network site where you can watch
    and interact with the best live cam girls 24 hours a day.

  196. Free Live Cams and Sex Chat Community

    Once again, these tokens can be easily purchased using a credit card or any other
    available payment method. There’s no trick to opening an account with a live cam website and the process is as simple as providing an email address and creating login credentials.

    Whether you’re after studs, twinks, or bears, Jerkmate Gay has an excellent selection of cam guys to choose from.
    But you can also write letters to one another that include explicit details (so vintage!) or opt to
    text for written gratification that’s more immediate.
    You could also go retro and stick with phone sex that only involves
    your voices.
    Even then, it’s still possible for hackers to access your content via malware disguised as online links and email attachments, so make sure to brush up on tips for avoiding that.
    “If you have a partner who has made you uncomfortable in the past,
    this is not someone who will respect your boundaries now,”
    Franks says. Whoever you’re having virtual sex with needs
    to stick to every boundary you put in place to keep
    yourself safe. This is what a Ninja user doing Private
    chat looks like to me when I’m being a cam model at Amateur.Tv.
    Stick to this handy guide and you’re sure to have a great cam site experience.Immediately you’ll be launched into a wonderfully raunchy cam show completely
    free of charge.The interactions between webcam models and viewers can get pretty dynamic too.Just like on hookup and swingers sites, your tone needs to stay respectful when chatting to webcam models…
    they’re still people!
    From a safety perspective, make sure there’s nothing in the background that could give away your location, like
    a street sign you can see through a window. Even if you totally trust the person you’re sending this content to, knowing your photos or videos don’t include hints
    about where you are can give you some peace of mind
    if someone did manage to hack your content. One easy way to do this is to opt for lighting that
    showcases what you want to focus on and let the rest fade
    into darkness.
    Is there money in being a cam girl? I'm a cam girl!
    I can make anywhere from 50–1000 dollars a week depending on how much time and how engaging I want to be.
    I've made 1000 dollars off 30 hours of camming.
    Keep in mind that that is based off site that allows ANYONE
    to watch me live, but users tip or take me private to
    get extra goodies.
    These cammers typically aren’t filming themselves from dimly lit bedrooms.
    Instead, it feels like a whole studio operation with a professional atmosphere.
    Facebook messenger allows you to delete your messages so that
    both you and anyone else in the chat can no longer see
    them, but only for 10 minutes after you’ve sent the message.
    People can also find ways to take screenshots on Snapchat without the user knowing, Bowden adds.
    Cam4 is fast becoming one of the most desired cam sites out there.
    Because it’s jam-packed with hot up-and-coming cam models that offer incredibly affordable shows.

  197. Live Porn

    Immediately you’ll be launched into a wonderfully raunchy cam show completely free of charge.
    You can also search for shows by filtering by the
    huge list of categories or tags.
    Live sex cams are a great place to try out and experiment with
    new fetishes. Hell, you might discover stuff you didn’t even know you enjoyed!
    All it takes is the right live cam girl to show you the
    Multiple orgasms flow through them like storms, climaxing in screams of lust and passion.What languages
    she speaks, the goal for her room, and so much more.The more time spent
    on the webcam, the more friends and relationships you’ll make.Jerkmate also hires
    actual pornstars and professional cam girls to stream live.In the end, BongaCams is a pretty predictable cam site with a token system and great
    Our free live porn cams connect you with sexy girls
    from all around the world. Enjoy free nude cams with girls that are really horny and enjoy performing on cam in front of random strangers.
    Our internal rating system allows users to rate their experience, so we can be sure to provide you the best cam girl possible.
    Keep away from anyone who doesn’t want to talk with you which ain’t many and
    you’ll be OK. Some of these ladies can only be on their cams only two or three hours every day!
    You can stream a video of yourself watching the cam girl, which is pretty
    nice. Think of it as if Chatroulette, Tinder,
    and Chaturbate had a love child. Most people enjoy watching private cam shows because they are longing for a connection, sexual or otherwise.
    Then the question arises if someone does not know how to
    find the best cam site, which has the best camgirls then who will
    help them. Some Romantic dreams & fantasies are unfulfilled in everyone’s life.
    Jerkmate also hires actual pornstars and professional cam girls to
    stream live. Going one-on-one with one of the pros is unlikely
    and really expensive. However, if you prefer your cam girl to be an actual
    pornstar, you can view their live shows with other
    users on the site.
    Flirt SMS is a new feature for customers to communicate with models on their mobile phones via
    text. BabeStation does offer a ton of promotions at any given time, making it feel very affordable when you decide that you do
    want to tip a model. One cool thing about Cherry.tv is that it
    isn’t just another cam site like any other.
    They’re attempting to introduce more “gamification” to the concept, so
    Cherry.tv allows models to “level up” by gaining experience points (xp).
    They are waiting for you & ready to give their time to explore new possibilities of chemical romance.
    Although you must understand, they are cam models, and this is their job.
    There are thousands of people who are in line to getting
    hookup with them. Everyone wants their time, and you may also
    want, for that you can simply buy their time to fulfill your desires.

  198. Cam Girl 101: 5 Tips To Succeed On Cam by OnlyGirlsAsia

    Other links on the right side include the most current Camster action, such as new girls getting online
    – perhaps one of your favorites. It is far more
    convenient than periodically refreshing the model’s website.
    It is free, loaded with content, easy to use and it doesn’t
    require any account or registration to view the material.
    They actually pay a lot of attention to the chat as their show is
    live and they make you feel like you are actually in the room with them while they are performing.
    People have complained before that some models on CamSoda talk too
    much or spend too much time replying to their fans.
    If you don’t like Jerkmate, LiveJasmin is another
    option to check out. OnlyFans features plenty of celebrities and ex-porn stars willing to bare-all for the right price.
    Examples of this include popular names like Mia Khalifa, Scarlet Scandal, and Riley Reid.
    Do cam couples make money? Instead of throwing in the towel on a booming cam career, the resourceful Emma started performing eight times a day, six
    days a week with her best friend Nicole. Another camming couple revealed
    they charge $A1. 84 (85p) a minute, which earns them about $A46,500 (£21,600) a year, or $A860 (£400) a week.
    JerkMate has plenty of cam-2-cam and
    private show options available. Instead of making an account,
    users can log in using their Google account. Furthermore, the cam
    site accepts PayPal making it a great option for those who don’t feel comfortable using their credit card.
    Jerkmate uses a Chatroulette-type approach and all new
    users are asked to fill out a questionnaire during the sign-up process.Once
    completed, this questionnaire is used to match new users with cam girls.
    These models are used to the dynamic of the site and aren’t normally willing to make an exception for anyone.
    These models also aren’t the most responsive to requests in their chat box.
    You get 120 credits free, which is a more than reasonable amount to decide if
    Camster is your thing.Camster has the same engaging features for a lot less of your hard-earned money and
    more models. The features & functions are all fantastic, easy to use, with the simplest of usability.
    With under 1 million monthly viewers, Cams.com receives significantly less traffic than the other two cam sites we’ve covered.
    They actually pay a lot of attention to the chat as their show is live and they make
    you feel like you are actually in the room with them while they are performing.Almost all popular cam sites
    work on this model, though there are some exceptions.Because it’s jam-packed with hot
    up-and-coming cam models that offer incredibly affordable shows.We can’t conclude this post without
    mentioning anonymity and how your cam space can help
    you be anonymous in front of your audience.ImLive is a streaming site where models and couples
    perform sex shows for their audiences.
    There is also a “Newcomer” section for the viewers who love to watch fresh talent or want
    to discover new models. If you would like to invite your viewers into a themed
    cam world, you will need to construct a space for
    that. Dressing up as a teacher, nurse, maid, or fitness

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    But what can you really expect from a cam site that doesn’t cost you a dime?
    You can of course purchase tokens on MyFreeCams
    and try your luck asking one of the models for a private
    show, but it’s not very likely to happen. These models are used to the dynamic of
    the site and aren’t normally willing to make an exception for anyone.

    These models also aren’t the most responsive to requests in their
    chat box.
    In the world of online cam shows, Camlust.com is at
    the forefront of innovation with its unique Price per Minute technology.

    This ground breaking feature has revolutionized
    the way users engage with their favourite cam models
    and ensures a fair and transparent pricing structure. With these popular webcam modeling sites, you’re a click away from grabbing yourself some steaming entertainment from the girl of your dreams or making some money right from your bedroom.
    For instance, erotic play between two beautiful lesbian models might cost you 100 tokens.

    You’ll be informed of everything up front, which helps you figure
    out which shows are worth watching based on your personal preference and what you can afford.

    You can also try your luck at jumping into a show and mooching off the other
    viewers who will send tips, but it might test
    your patience. On the surface, BongaCams likes to pretend that it’s
    a free cam site full of women, couples, and trans people.
    The community aspect is strong, with many users forming connections with cam girls and other viewers.

    While on the homepage, you’ll encounter dozens of thumbnails that provide a preview of
    the live show. If you click on one of those images, you’ll be immediately launched into the cam show for free.

    While there are several live feeds you can watch for free, you will have
    to pay for a private show.
    Many private sex shows take place live and are broadcast on the web
    by a hidden webcam.Please note that while we utilize
    Skype for live interactions, Camlust is an independent entity and is not endorsed
    by or affiliated with Skype or its related companies.The best live cam sites offer various protection features for models including banning viewers that may be abusive or
    use rude language.The cam-to-cam function enhances the experience,
    enabling face-to-face interactions with beautiful models.

    The cam platform is based on free chat rooms (free
    to watch), and private shows. Models can sell their gallery for an extra avenue of income too.
    During the broadcasts, models get to set their own prices and guys can pool
    resources to achieve some super sexy goals.
    The site has only recently gone live and is still in Beta mode,
    which means for now they only have cis-women and trans women cam girls.
    That said, the platform will be opened up to everyone in the next version. The pay structure at ImLive gives you options,
    which is a definite plus.
    Their homepage is populated by elite-level camgirls
    from all over the world who know how to cater to your every desire.
    They’re virtually all “hair and make-up ready” and
    dressed to kill in gorgeous lingerie. But while Flirt4Free boasts a premium experience, premium
    does not necessarily imply “vanilla.” Finding the fetish models to feed
    your kink is easy using an intuitive category filtering system.
    Depending on your interests and style, you can choose to enjoy the free shows or
    pay for something more private in cam websites like these.
    We strictly adhere to industry standards to ensure a safe and anonymous
    experience. We understand the importance of maintaining your anonymity and
    have implemented stringent measures to protect your identity.
    You can trust us to provide a secure and confidential experience
    for your enjoyment. Keep in mind your specific circumstances, your boss’s mentality,
    and how much you’re willing to bare on the cam site
    before committing.

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    Live sex cams are a great place to try out and experiment with new fetishes.
    Hell, you might discover stuff you didn’t
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    Immediately you’ll be launched into a wonderfully raunchy cam show completely free
    of charge. You can also search for shows by filtering by the
    huge list of categories or tags.
    Flirt SMS is a new feature for customers to communicate with models on their mobile phones via text.
    BabeStation does offer a ton of promotions at any
    given time, making it feel very affordable when you decide that
    you do want to tip a model. One cool thing about Cherry.tv is
    that it isn’t just another cam site like any other.
    They’re attempting to introduce more “gamification” to the concept, so Cherry.tv allows models to “level up” by gaining experience points
    Our free live porn cams connect you with sexy
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    their experience, so we can be sure to provide you the best cam girl possible.
    Jerkmate also hires actual pornstars and professional cam girls to stream live.
    Going one-on-one with one of the pros is unlikely and really expensive.

    However, if you prefer your cam girl to be an actual pornstar, you can view their live shows with other users on the site.
    Then the question arises if someone does not know how to find
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    Some Romantic dreams & fantasies are unfulfilled
    in everyone’s life.
    Keep away from anyone who doesn’t want to talk with you which ain’t
    many and you’ll be OK. Some of these ladies can only
    be on their cams only two or three hours every day!
    You will get a firsthand view of some of the naughtiest cam porn action the web has to offer.We want you to get free access to hot live nude girls on cam without getting
    held back by pay-walls.Keep away from anyone who doesn’t want
    to talk with you which ain’t many and you’ll be OK.CamGirls4U.com is way better than Phone Sex, because you can actually see the sexy babe doing what you asked
    her to do and you know she looks like what she said she did.So,
    if you want the vast majority of your hard-earned money to go to the actual cam model, then Cherry.tv
    is a great option for you.
    You can stream a video of yourself watching the cam girl,
    which is pretty nice. Think of it as if Chatroulette, Tinder, and Chaturbate
    had a love child. Most people enjoy watching private cam shows
    because they are longing for a connection, sexual or otherwise.
    Send several tokens to a gorgeous model
    and watch her masturbate her pussy with a Lovense sex
    toy while your jerk your cock. It’s perfectly normal to see performers with a sex toy or two
    lying nearby, waiting to put them to good use. They love it when you
    make their Lovense toy vibrate inside their pussy and help them orgasm.
    If you’re tired of wanking by yourself, let Jerkmate show you the flip
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  202. 15 Best Cam Sites for Sexy Live Webcam Shows Free & Paid

    However, if you’re in search of serious relationships or hoping to find a life
    partner, this platform may not align with those goals.
    Many men prefer the type of appeal that only age can offer.
    When enabled, cam-2-cam gives the model access to the viewer’s
    webcam and is an excellent way to increase the
    fun and intimacy of a live cam show.
    Men and women are randomly paired for an erotic video chat.
    Cams.com is one of the more unique and advanced cam sites on this list.
    You might not know it by just visiting their website because initially, it looks like your average cam site.
    There are free shows that you can enter and you have the ability to filter by model, body type, and gender.
    They actually pay a lot of attention to the chat as
    their show is live and they make you feel like
    you are actually in the room with them while they
    are performing. People have complained before that some models on CamSoda talk too much or spend too much time replying to their
    BongaCams is an affordable and transparent cam site, offering some
    of the best cam opportunities on the internet. Although it claims to be a free cam site, most of the shows and
    personalized chats with the models will require payment.
    The membership leans towards younger age brackets, with a noticeable male majority, while interestingly,
    members aged 65 and above also partake. The webcam site caters
    to singles seeking explicit content and couples aiming to add excitement to their relationships.
    There’s a multi-viewer tool that allows you to relish in multiple models at one go.
    And, with a paid membership, you score more interactive features including private messages,
    threesomes (with two models), and other vibrator control options to take her to the clouds.
    We particularly love that from the onset, profiles are
    marked as private, free, interactive sex toys, and more.
    Tell him what you like and how you like it, and let our algorithm do the rest.However, unlike Chaturbate, most
    models don’t give away any of the goods for free–making the site a nice middle ground between Jerkmate and Chaturbate.Similarly, private contact information should never be given out.There’s no trick to opening an account with a
    live cam website and the process is as simple as providing an email address and creating login credentials.

    When it comes to LIVE adult camming, other sites cannot compare.
    Click on your favorite webcam girl and enter the free chat room of your adult camming
    dreams! A horny model will be waiting inside, ready to interact
    in real-time. If she’s what you’re looking
    for, take that model to a Private show and have her all to yourself.
    Jerkmate™ contains sexually explicit content restricted to adults.
    You must have reached the age of majority in your
    place of residence in order to access this site’s content.
    The absolute best experience, however, is busting
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    This generally means you can find high-quality content without looking too far.
    You might feel a bit lost if you’re brand new to
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    She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is entirely off topic but I had to tell someone!

  359. **На каком ухе мужчине носить сережку: Мифы и реальность**

    Сережки для мужчин стали неотъемлемой частью мужского стиля, выражением индивидуальности и модного высказывания. Однако, один из вечных вопросов, с которым сталкиваются мужчины, решившие украсить свои уши, — на каком ухе стоит носить серьгу? Некоторые считают, что существует определенное правило, указывающее на «правильное» ухо для сережки, в то время как другие считают, что это просто суеверие или модное трендовое правило, которое можно игнорировать. Давайте разберемся в этом вопросе.

    **Мифология и культурные особенности**

    В различных культурах и обществах ношение сережек у мужчин имеет различные символические значения. Например, в некоторых культурах серьга в левом ухе мужчины связывается с гомосексуальной ориентацией, в то время как серьга в правом ухе может быть воспринята как признак гетеросексуальности. Однако, в современном мире эти представления могут быть устаревшими и не иметь никакого значения.

    **Медицинские соображения**

    Есть также утверждения о том, что выбор уха для серьги может зависеть от медицинских соображений. Например, некоторые люди предпочитают носить серьгу в ухе, находящемся дальше от места работы или занятий спортом, чтобы избежать травмирования уха.

    **Индивидуальный выбор**

    Сегодня большинство людей склонны считать, что выбор уха для ношения серьги — это вопрос индивидуального предпочтения и стиля. Многие мужчины выбирают ухо для серьги исходя из внешнего вида и комфорта, а не из каких-либо социальных или культурных ожиданий. Носить серьгу на том ухе, который кажется вам более подходящим или удобным, является вполне обоснованным решением.


    Вопрос о том, на каком ухе мужчине носить сережку, не имеет однозначного ответа. Это индивидуальный выбор, который зависит от личных предпочтений, стиля и удобства. Мифы о том, что серьга в определенном ухе может иметь определенное значение, скорее всего, утратили свою актуальность в современном обществе. Важно помнить, что самое главное — это быть уверенным в своем стиле и выражать себя так, как вам нравится, независимо от того, на каком ухе вы носите сережку.

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    زمانی که به دنبال راهکاری برای بهبود
    رتبه ویدیوها، کانال ها و گروه های تلگرامی خود در موتورهای جستجو می‌باشید، سئو گروه تلگرام @SEOPREM می‌تواند به شما کمک کند.
    سئو یعنی بهینه‌سازی موتورهایجستجو و در این
    حالت بهینه‌سازی برای کانال ها و گروه های تلگرامی.
    این گروه حرفه‌ای با اعضای متخصص در زمینه سئو، بهینه‌سازی و تحلیل رفتار کاربران، به شما کمک می‌کند تا بهترین
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    را بیابید.

    سؤالات متداول:

    سئو گروه تلگرام چیست؟
    چگونه این گروه می‌تواند کانال یا گروه من را بهبود بخشد؟
    آیا استفاده از خدمات سئو گروه تلگرام @SEOPREM هزینه‌بر است؟
    چه تفاوتی بین سئو برای وبسایت و سئو برای کانال تلگرام وجود دارد؟

    چالش‌های سئو گروه تلگرام @SEOPREM و

    چالش‌های سئو گروه تلگرام @SEOPREM می‌تواند برای
    افرادی که در حوزه بازاریابی
    دیجیتال فعالیت می‌کنند، چالش‌برانگیزباشد.
    یکی از مشکلاتی که ممکن
    است با آن روبه‌رو شوید، افزایش اعضای واقعی و فعال در گروه تلگرام شما است.

    برای حل این چالش می‌توانید از روش‌هایی مانند انتشار محتوای جذاب
    و متنوع، دعوت اعضای هدفمند و فعال به گروه، و ایجاد رابطه مستقیم با اعضا
    برای افزایش فعالیت‌ها استفاده کنید.

    یکی دیگر از چالش‌هایی که ممکن است با گروه تلگرام سئو برای افزایش ترافیک وب سایت روبه‌رو
    شوید، افزایش نرخ انتقال‌ها و تبدیل‌های کاربران است.
    برای حل این مشکل، می‌توانید از راهکارهایی مانند بهبود تجربه کاربری
    و رابط کاربری گروه، ارائه محتوای ارزشمند و راهنمایی
    برای افراد در گروه و پاسخگویی به
    سوالات و نیازهای آن‌ها، بهره ببرید.

    با رعایت این موارد و اعمال رویکردهای صحیح در سئو گروه تلگرام @SEOPREM، می‌توانید بهبود چشمگیری در عملکرد و نتایج خود مشاهده

    راه حل‌های خلاقانه برای بهبود سئو گروه
    تلگرام @SEOPREM

    برای حل مشکلات مربوط به سئو گروه تلگرام @SEOPREM، باید راهکارهای خلاقانه و نوآورانه‌ای را
    بررسی کنیم. یکی از راهکارهای موثر برای بهبودسئو گروه تلگرام ایجاد برنامه محتوای منظم و متنوع است.
    با ارائهمطالب خواندنی، جذاب و ارزشمند برای اعضای گروه،
    می‌توانید بازدید و فعالیت کاربران
    را افزایش دهید. همچنین، استفاده از ابزارهای تحلیلی
    مانند Google Analytics برای پیگیری عملکرد
    سئو گروه و شناسایی نقاط ضعف آن، اهمیت زیادی دارد.

    از تجربیات شخصی خود برای معرفی موارد موفق سئو گروه تلگرام @SEOPREM استفاده کنید و از مطالب
    آموزنده و الگویی برای دیگران باشید.
    با اشتراک داستان‌های موفقیت و مطالب نفیس، می‌توانید تأثیر
    بیشتری بر جمعیت گروه خود داشته باشید و در پیشرفت مشترک شرکت کنید.

    نتیجه گیری: چشم انتظاری برای آینده‌ی سئو گروه تلگرام @SEOPREM

    با توجه به ارائه‌های سئو گروه تلگرام @SEOPREM در مقالات مختلف،
    می‌توان به دقت و تخصص آن‌ها در زمینه بهینه‌سازی وب‌سایت‌ها اطمینان حاصل کرد.
    این گروه با تمرکز بر ارائه راهکارهایی کارآمد برای بهبود
    رتبه‌بندی و سئو وب‌سایت‌ها، توانسته است تاثیر بزرگی در جامعه‌ی دیجیتال ایجاد کند.
    همچنین، نگاهی نوآورانه به مسائل استراتژیک و تحلیل داده‌ها،
    سبب شده تا این گروه به عنوان یکی از پیشگامان صنعت سئو شناخته شود.

    با این وجود، توجه به نقاط ضعف و بهبودپذیری‌ها نیز از اهمیت بالایی
    برخوردار است. به نظر می‌رسد که تکنولوژی‌ها و الگوریتم‌های جدیدی در دنیای سئو وب‌سایت‌ها در حال ظهور هستند که نیازمند توجه و
    آمادگی بیشتری از سوی گروه‌های متخصص می‌باشد.

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    بهبود رتبه سایت‌ها
    رقابت بالا در حوزه سئو

    افزایش ترافیک
    تغییرات الگوریتم‌های جستجو

    بهبود نمایانی در نتایج جستجو
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    I am not saying your content isn’t good., however suppose you added something that
    makes people desire more? I mean Ледокол и человек.

    Репортер «Вечерней Москвы» Эмилий Миндлин спасал полярную экспедицию
    — 95 лет Вечерней Москве is a little plain. You might glance at Yahoo’s front page and note how they create
    post headlines to get people interested. You might try adding a video or
    a related pic or two to grab readers interested about what you’ve
    written. Just my opinion, it could bring your posts a little livelier.

  520. Tôi không đăng nhập được vào tài khoản 789WIN là do đâu?
    Bước 1: Truy cập trang chủ hoặc ứng dụng và
    đăng nhập vào tài khoản của người chơi.
    Nhờ những yếu tố này mà giúp đáp ứng nhu cầu trải nghiệm của người chơi khi đến với
    cổng game này. Bước 3: Hệ thống sẽ yêu cầu người chơi điền một số thông tin cá nhân để hoàn tất việc đăng
    ký tài khoản hội viên. Nếu quý khách quên mật khẩu hoặc gặp
    vấn đề nào đó, thông tin xác minh cũng sẽ được thực hiện thông qua số điện thoại này.
    Cùng với đó có rất nhiều chứng chỉ chứng minh
    sự hợp pháp được phép kinh doanh
    lĩnh vực cờ bạn, nên bạn hãy an tâm và tin tưởng khi
    giải trí tại đây mà không bị ràng buộc bởi pháp
    luật. Vào mục «Cài đặt» trên điện thoại, sau đó tìm đến «Cho phép ứng dụng từ nguồn không rõ» và chọn nhà phát hành của ứng
    dụng. Theo quy định tại cổng game 789WIN, mỗi cá
    nhân chỉ được phép đăng ký một tài khoản tại các nhà
    cái. Thành viên nên cài đặt mật khẩu cho thiết bị truy cập vào nhà cái như điện thoại di động
    hoặc máy tính để việc bảo mật thông tin tài khoản cá nhân được an toàn hơn.

  521. Howdy would you mind sharing which blog platform you’re working with?
    I’m looking to start my own blog soon but I’m having a hard time
    making a decision between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal.

    The reason I ask is because your design seems
    different then most blogs and I’m looking for something unique.

    P.S Apologies for getting off-topic but I had to ask!

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    Our private cabin is adorned with a plush bed, red satin sheets, and a «sex position pillow,» setting the
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  523. Today, I went to the beach front with my children. I found a
    sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said «You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.» She placed
    the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear.
    She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is totally off topic but I had to tell someone!

  524. Восхитительно прочитать!
    Будучи специалистом по путешествиям на Байкал, я нахожу ваше описание точным.
    Байкал не перестает удивлять своей красотой.

    Для тех, кто планирует посетить Байкал,
    я могу помочь в организации множество путешествий по озеру и его окрестностям.
    Мы учитываем все пожелания наших клиентов,
    чтобы сделать ваш опыт незабываемым.

    Позвольте себе увидеть Байкал во всем его великолепии!
    Для организации тура просто напишите мне.

    С уважением, ваш надежный
    гид по Байкалу.

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  528. В нашем мире, где диплом — это начало отличной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально быстрый путь получения качественного образования. Наличие официального документа переоценить невозможно. Ведь диплом открывает двери перед людьми, стремящимися начать трудовую деятельность или учиться в ВУЗе.
    Наша компания предлагает быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы сможете приобрести диплом, что является выгодным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить образование, утратил документ или желает исправить плохие оценки. дипломы выпускаются с особой аккуратностью, вниманием ко всем деталям. На выходе вы сможете получить продукт, полностью соответствующий оригиналу.
    Преимущества такого решения состоят не только в том, что вы сможете максимально быстро получить диплом. Процесс организован комфортно, с профессиональной поддержкой. От выбора нужного образца диплома до точного заполнения личной информации и доставки в любой регион России — все под абсолютным контролем квалифицированных мастеров.
    Для тех, кто ищет быстрый и простой способ получить требуемый документ, наша компания предлагает выгодное решение. Приобрести диплом — это значит избежать длительного обучения и не теряя времени переходить к важным целям, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или начало карьеры.

    Купить диплом по спорту

  529. В современном мире, где диплом является началом успешной карьеры в любом направлении, многие стараются найти максимально быстрый и простой путь получения качественного образования. Факт наличия официального документа переоценить попросту невозможно. Ведь диплом открывает двери перед каждым человеком, который стремится начать трудовую деятельность или продолжить обучение в каком-либо ВУЗе.
    Предлагаем быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы имеете возможность приобрести диплом, и это становится удачным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить обучение, потерял документ или желает исправить плохие оценки. Каждый диплом изготавливается с особой аккуратностью, вниманием к мельчайшим элементам, чтобы в итоге получился продукт, 100% соответствующий оригиналу.
    Преимущество этого подхода состоит не только в том, что вы сможете оперативно получить диплом. Процесс организовывается комфортно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начав от выбора требуемого образца диплома до точного заполнения личных данных и доставки в любой регион страны — все под полным контролем наших мастеров.
    Для всех, кто ищет максимально быстрый способ получения необходимого документа, наша компания предлагает выгодное решение. Заказать диплом — значит избежать долгого процесса обучения и не теряя времени перейти к достижению своих целей, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или начало удачной карьеры.


  530. В нашем обществе, где диплом — это начало успешной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально простой путь получения качественного образования. Факт наличия официального документа трудно переоценить. Ведь именно диплом открывает двери перед каждым человеком, который собирается вступить в профессиональное сообщество или продолжить обучение в высшем учебном заведении.
    Предлагаем быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы имеете возможность приобрести диплом старого или нового образца, и это становится отличным решением для человека, который не смог завершить образование, потерял документ или хочет исправить свои оценки. Все дипломы производятся аккуратно, с особым вниманием ко всем нюансам. В итоге вы сможете получить документ, максимально соответствующий оригиналу.
    Превосходство этого подхода заключается не только в том, что можно быстро получить свой диплом. Процесс организовывается комфортно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начав от выбора нужного образца до консультации по заполнению личных данных и доставки по стране — все находится под полным контролем наших специалистов.
    Всем, кто ищет быстрый и простой способ получить требуемый документ, наша услуга предлагает отличное решение. Заказать диплом — значит избежать долгого процесса обучения и сразу переходить к личным целям, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или старт успешной карьеры.


  531. Сегодня, когда диплом становится началом успешной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально быстрый и простой путь получения образования. Важность наличия официального документа переоценить попросту невозможно. Ведь диплом открывает двери перед людьми, стремящимися начать трудовую деятельность или учиться в высшем учебном заведении.
    В данном контексте наша компания предлагает максимально быстро получить этот необходимый документ. Вы сможете приобрести диплом, что является выгодным решением для всех, кто не смог завершить образование или потерял документ. Любой диплом изготавливается аккуратно, с максимальным вниманием ко всем нюансам, чтобы на выходе получился документ, максимально соответствующий оригиналу.
    Плюсы подобного подхода заключаются не только в том, что вы оперативно получите свой диплом. Процесс организован комфортно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начиная от выбора нужного образца документа до консультации по заполнению личной информации и доставки в любое место России — все под полным контролем наших специалистов.
    Всем, кто хочет найти быстрый способ получить требуемый документ, наша компания готова предложить выгодное решение. Купить диплом — это значит избежать продолжительного обучения и не теряя времени перейти к достижению личных целей: к поступлению в ВУЗ или к началу удачной карьеры.


  532. В нашем мире, где диплом является началом отличной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально быстрый путь получения качественного образования. Наличие официального документа сложно переоценить. Ведь диплом открывает двери перед всеми, кто желает вступить в профессиональное сообщество или учиться в ВУЗе.
    Предлагаем быстро получить любой необходимый документ. Вы сможете купить диплом, и это является отличным решением для всех, кто не смог завершить образование или утратил документ. Все дипломы изготавливаются аккуратно, с максимальным вниманием к мельчайшим нюансам. В итоге вы получите продукт, максимально соответствующий оригиналу.
    Превосходство данного подхода заключается не только в том, что вы сможете быстро получить свой диплом. Весь процесс организовывается удобно и легко, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начиная от выбора требуемого образца до консультации по заполнению персональной информации и доставки в любое место страны — все под полным контролем квалифицированных мастеров.
    Для всех, кто ищет максимально быстрый способ получения необходимого документа, наша компания предлагает отличное решение. Заказать диплом — это значит избежать продолжительного обучения и сразу переходить к достижению своих целей, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или начало карьеры.

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